Tips For Surviving The Morning Chaos

Here are some tips and tricks from one Mum to another for surviving those manic mornings, helping us to drop our babies off at school without that Mom guilt, for being so rushed and stressed before they left, Many a morning I walked away from those school gates wishing I was more organised or regretting snapping at a child for not moving quick enough or just being a child,


Mornings... Fueled by a late night, cranky, frustrated, overwhelmed child, stressed,worried overwhelmed mother, lost school jumper, unfinished homework that was stuffed in the bag or that half eaten yogurt zipped bag into the lunch bag and given an extra shake for good measure..  take your pick and that one "little" thing can be the straw that " broke the camel's back". Car doors get slammed and at least one of us had tear streaked faces as we go about the day, I'd return home to "pick" up where I'd left off and I'd go to bed promising myself never again I was going to be "miss" organised, prepared for whatever might erupt, no more nagging or shouting our mornings were going to be full of smiles, gentle parenting and encouraging words from now on!!! And it will all  go to plan until... well motherhood, a funny feeling sock, a toilet dash "that had already been made" or just life in general gets in the way. 

We all know the basics to a smooth morning routine  preparations is key, an early night, wake up before you have to wake the kids to have some time to yourself, reduce your stress and so on, but children don't play by a rule book or come with one and neither does life  (in steps the latest mom blog/vlog to share what we've learned along the way  ).


1. Establish A Routine:

Set a consistent time to wake up , to be dressed and downstairs having breakfast and a time that everyone will be leaving the house. This helps create a sense of structure and reduces chaos. Children find it easier to navigate when there is repetition and will be less likely (although not at all impossible) to have "meltdowns" When they know what is expected/required  of them. Give  them some independence with tasks that A).  don't have to be perfectly done B. are age appropriate. This can make the hard tasks that mum HAS to do a little easier for the child that likes to do everything themselves, only at a snail pace. This also helps with the later years when they are able to get themselves up and ready in the morning and gives them a good start for being prepared in the mornings,  Encouragement and reward systems for all ages can encourage everyone to  make the deadline set for each task to be completed, It can also help with a smoother routine. YOU TOO MUM....Mine is my favorite cup of coffee or a sneaky Mcdonalds breakfast after a successful drop off enjoyed with music in my car in the parking lot before i go about the rest of my day.  


2. Plan Ahead:

Prepare lunches, pack backpacks, and lay out clothes and Mom find your keys and purse the night before. This eliminates last-minute scrambling and reduces stress in the morning. I have one rule that I don't budge from no matter how tired, stressed, worked up or worn down I'm feeling the night before "nothing that can get done then gets put off till morning" because I can guarantee that if I go to bed without it done, the morning will not be smooth sailing, a uniform will be marked or a shoe will be missing or the keys will have vanished off the face of the earth not to be seen until you are just about to give up all hope when suddenly they will appear right under your nose but never where they should, I can not stress enough...  IF IT CAN BE DONE THE NIGHT BEFORE THEN DO IT.


3. Wake Up Earlier:

This is one that sometimes hits a nerve with me because I'm bloody tired too and every minute for sleep is precious, Especially for a mother with babies that still wake throughout the night, Sleepless nights and early mornings is motherhood. I could've sworn there was a stage when my boys were younger that it had actually been years since i had slept the whole night through, but i can tell you from personal experience that getting up even 15 minutes before the tiny terrors feet touch the ground can be a game changer. Many a morning  I've sat blurry eyed at my kitchen table running on 1-2 hours sleep, listening to the kettle boil praying it didn't wake my youngest, just to sit outside on my porch with a cuppa and BREATH in silence for 5 minutes before the day starts, and let me tell you that if you can squeeze a shower and some time to get dressed (yes the basics are "self care"when all your care goes to others) into those 15-20 minutes your day is gonna start off with you feeling like a supermom, even if you do end up covered in food and spit up before lunch time.  Giving yourself some extra time in the morning to get ready before waking up your children allows you to start the day calm and organized and ready to take on your world.


4. Create A Checklist:

I'm a sucker for a list if nothing else it clears my mind to worry about the million other things going on.  Make a checklist of tasks that need to be done in the morning, such as brushing teeth, packing lunch, or putting on shoes. This helps ensure that nothing is forgotten. It's also helps the younger child remember what tasks they are required to do in the morning. And ofcourse that little dopamine hit we get when we get to tick off what was completed, always works as motivation to keep up the hard work. 


5. Forgive Yourself And Talk To Your Child:

You are HUMAN as unbelieve as that sounds us Mums are just human we don't have superpowers (not the ones we need/want) and we most definitely do not have all the answers, mistakes are inevitable, As a mum we know that our mistakes impact and effect other people, our people, the ones we made and the ones we want to protect at all cost, but we do make them and sometimes talking to your children and saying just that, not only shows them that mums can make mistakes and don't always have all the answers but it also teaches them not to expect the impossible from themselves. I will always apologies to my boys if I've been cranky or moody with them or if I haven't had as much patience as they deserved that morning and likewise I also discuss what is expected of them in the morning to help our family do better. By now they know what is expected and if they don't follow the rules they will also have to apologies to the rest of us. And now I even have days where I get unprompted apologies if they were grumpy with me in the mornings, A WIN'S A WIN BIG OR SMALL.


6. Minimize Distractions:

Limit screen time and other distractions in the morning. This helps children stay focused and ensures a smooth transition from home to school. Some / few children can multitask  But with  My youngest this has always been our issue if he was not being monitored he would get side tracked with absolutely anything but the task at hand, and now as a pre-teen it doesnt get any better, He is a boy who lives in his own world and at times it can be exhausting but also so rewarding to watch, his phone of course like almost all teens these days is a constant battle, In the mornings I take his phone downstairs with me, it  speeds up the getting dressed process quite a bit, when your mother is holding your phone hostage and once he has completed all his tasks I allow him the extra time he's saved to use his phone before we leave. he also  worries like his mother so it helps relieve some of that by allowing him to check his timetable on his phone and check in with the other kids in his class before he's goes in I know this is a debatable subject ( a lot of schools frown on allowing a child to have their phones in school) but I do believe that if you take a step back and imagine you were going into work that you find a little daunting and had that one coworker you always enjoy working with wouldn't you want to text her and make sure she was going to be there, Also there is no way in this world today either of my boys are leaving the house without a way to contact there mama ever?! 


7. Have A Nutritious Breakfast:

Provide a balanced breakfast that includes protein, healthy fats, whole grains, and fruits or vegetables. This gives children the energy they need for the day ahead. I like to stock the fridge with grab and go snacks that are healthy for the busy times throughout the day it also encourages the boys to grab a healthy snack and makes them less likely to fill up on junk while they are out and about. I also stock up on bottled waters, juices and flavored milk options. As a mum to boys drinks seem to be the most important thing to have a lot of at all times, My boys are always going to fridge to pull out something and I have peace of minding knowing there is a wide Variety of pre-prepared healthy options to hand.


8. Stay Positive And Calm:

Maintain a positive attitude and create a calm atmosphere in the morning. This sets a good tone for the day and helps everyone start off on the right foot. trust me I know this one is SOOO much easier said than done and sometimes the saying "fake it till you make it" rings true. You're leading by example and if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed chances are by the time ye make it to the car everyone in the house is on the wrong side also. Music helps create an upbeat feeling, sometimes I'll find a motivational talk that is suitable for the boys to pop on before they come down, praise the things they do right and do well, because sometimes that's all it takes as a mom to make you see the good and stop focusing on the stress and it encourages them to do their best.


Remember, every family is unique, so feel free to adjust these tips to fit your specific needs and circumstances.

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